Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thomas Clegg new business
Thomas Started an ivestment co for a summer resort in Tilden
Deseret news 3-13-1908

Margret Ann Griffiths Clegg Car accident

Aunt Maggie gets in car wreck
Park record 9-17-1926

Thomas clegg looking for silver

Thomas visits nevada with a business partner looking for silver
Ogden standard Examiner 5-5-1908

Thomas Clegg

Thomas called to bishopric
Sat day nov 12 1898
this apeared deseret news 11-26-1898

Thomas Clegg Grove city real Estste

This article is on the right side near the bottom
it is an ad for Grove city real Estate co
Possibly another business venture

Ad placed for may 22 1908

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thomas Clegg down from ID

wasatch wave 5-24-07

Thomas talks about his farms

Thomas Clegg Mining Claimes

New Mining Company Articles of or Incorporation of or the Deseret Mining company company were filed med with the county clerk yesterday afternoon The capital stock is 25000.00with shares at the value of or 10 cents each The officers are C A hickenlooper president NJ Harris vice president W A Hicken looper secretary John Walker treasurer and Thomas Clegg Clegg director The company takes over twentysix mining claims In the Lucia mining district In Box Elder county

You can se this newspaper at

Salt Lake Herald Salt Lake Herald Newspaper 1908-09-16